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Tip #33 on being a youth pastors wife...

The biggest lie.. In my devotion time today, I was watching a video and the speaker had mentioned a verse from the Bible that really hit home for me.. I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead. Revelation 3:1b He asked the question in his message..   What are you in love with right now.. in a different way..   What is the biggest lie in your life right now.. We see the word LOVE sometimes and think how can being in LOVE with something be so wrong because LOVE is so good but when you really think about it when you are in LOVE with something that is not of Christ it is not good.. When he asked what is the biggest lie in your life right now..many things came to my mind. One thing that really stood out to me was the idea of the biggest lie. He said it in a way that meant what were you hiding in your life that you want no one to know about or that you want revealed even to yourself. That's not a bad question but the way that
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Tip #15 for being a youth pastors wife

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Whatever you do... Tip # 365 for being a youth pasters wife!!

This whole summer has been one of many adventures!! Currently I am experiencing one of those adventures in Athens, OH at a camp for a missions trip. Your tip for tonight is that as a youth pastors wife prepare your mind body an spirit for no sleep but memories for life!!! Coming into this trip I expected it to be amazing and for God to work and he never fails to amaze me!!! I have seen so much out of this group and the week isn't even over yet!!! We have had students bond in ways that I haven't seen in a group in a long time.. Prayer for ones who are sick and had to leave our adventure a little early and reach out to people in need in a way that brings joy to my heart! Although this week has been full of amazing praises we have seen our set of small storms.. Such as students not feeling well and having to leave.. Cars that break down and scare us and watching our hearts break over the other storms in people's life. Through all these things good and not so good things

Tip #345 of being a youth pastors wife!

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Tip #9 for being a youth pastor wife!

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